Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Goodbye but a Good Weekend

Today was the first time in about 2 months where I woke up on a Monday feeling a little drowsy but ultimately refreshed and not tired. I still look tired, I have large bags under my eyes and I am a little pale but I feel... good. No other word really to describe it I feel right in my body and my head. I think I was helped by having my first Saturday off for about 5 weeks so the extra day where I could sleep in was very welcome. 

There was a touch of sadness this weekend as Chris who his Operations Manager for the company is leaving us and it was his leaving party this weekend gone. Chris has been with the company in HK since it started nearly 8 years ago. It is in many ways sad but also good because he has been training me to do his job and it has been awkward top have two people around who are doing the same jobs, although my remit and position are slightly to different to his.

It was also good for everyone in the office and the factory as we all got to spend some time together and everyone is now accepting of and used to the reality of Chris not being around anymore. All I can say is that I appreciated everything that he has helped me with and wish him and his wife and young daughter all the best.

I have decided due to some positive feedback I had from my last post to add a music section in with my blog as a regular spot. I mentioned in my last post how I enjoyed Mahler and I recently saw that the HK Philharmonic will be performing Mahler in a one off special next month. I will be trying to get down to that with my fiance. So for your pleasure I have below the 1st Movement of the Symphony No 8. Which as I have mentioned before is one of the first occasions where an Orchestra was used in a Symphony. Due to unfortunate restrictions I cannot bring you the whole of the first movement in one hit as it is 25mins long and would be three videos worth. The others are up there on youtube if your interest is piqued and you want to keep listening.

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