Tuesday, December 9, 2008

...we came in?

Where to start? 
Age - 21 
Height - 6"3' 
Location - Hong Kong

Nah thats not working for me, it makes it look like a dating site post. 

I suppose an explanation of the title of the first blog would be a good place to start giving you an idea about myself.  Okay seems good, here we go.

This refrain can be heard in the background of the Pink Floyd album The Wall. Except that the part in the title is placed at the very begining of the album and the start of the quote at the very end. I like this as it gives a feeling of life and time in general being circular, a view point that I hold very strongly to.

This thought was again in my head as I walked to work the other day, a walk I have done for the past 4 months or so in a repeating pattern. I see patterns and repeats in everything from the way projects at work develop to how my football team (West Ham) are playing to the general conflicts and struggles that I see on the news.

This is not to say that I believe this is deliberately set out and some force is at work controlling this. I am think this is just how stuff works, planets, atoms and the London Underground all try to work in a circular way, and the point of balance for all these things appears to revolve around moving back to where you started at regular intervals. 

This pattern and order exists because it has to, without it life thought and even the mere existance of anything would be impossible and I wouldn't be able to look up from my desk occasionally and think...

Isn't this where...

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