Why yes, yes it can be.
Just checking in to say that the following has occupied my life for the last few weeks... Dragon Age: Origins... that is all.
Well not quite all but it is one of those games that I tend to play and inordinate amount of and I tend to play RPGs more when I am stressed and it has been a stressful month. A month that will be made more stressful as it is the company financial year end and I have the auditors coming to visit. That in itself would not be too bad but when everybody has spent the last week and a bit working all the days of the week to solve some 'small' (read: bigger than Ron Jeremy) problems and we haven't done the stock take yet... well you get the idea.
Back to your regularly scheduled programing now.
I have been spending some time recently on the China Smack website. Not the best designed website in the world but nevertheless very useful for those of us who like to keep up on the rantings and ravings of the deranged Chinese Internet user. I highly recommend it if you want to see what the views on a half black half oriental person are (hint: not very pleasant). Also the kind of things parents can get away with in China.
This past week I also managed to finally get round to eating at Kitchen buffet in W Hotel. It was pricey but overall worth it. Very good fresh ingredients that were regularly replenished (I can guarantee you that point as we were on the chef's table). I would highly recommend it if you want to get your significant other dosed up on the aphrodisiac oysters which were (thankfully) freshly shucked rather than left to sit out.
I also can't leave this roundup without mentioning the following sites that have kept me occupied and (relatively) sane throughout the recent trauma of work. The Dark Side have kept us regularly entertained with humors observations on local goings on as well as the regular updates of their Willy. Also a wonderful webcomic named Subnormality that I recently came across drawn by the enigmatic Winston Rowntree and a rather... different take on how to do a comic by David Malki! (note: do not try to pronounce the exclamation mark, many have tried and failed... just a thought but he must have real trouble when filling out webforms that only take alphanumeric characters.) called Wondermark.
Maybe sometime in the next couple of weeks I will get back to a normal schedule of updating this damn thing. In the meantime and in the words of the immortal poet Lazarus:
"Peace! We out bitches!"
Huh? The valuable role of interjections
3 hours ago
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